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Our 2004 Class Reunion

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Photos contributed by Erick Faust and Brent Waymire

The reunion was held on October 9th at the Elks Lodge in Elwood Indiana.  The reunion was surprisingly well attended for the 2 week notice we were given.  I was a late arriver as is my usual state of being most of the time nowadays. My husband and I got to the Elks Lodge about 7pm, paid our $7 per person entry fee, were directed towards the patio and found quite a few people already there.  My first glance around found Tony Hughes, Greg Miller, Larry O'Bryant, Andy Melling, Jenean Hartz, Kim Bennett, Lisa Dollar, Debbie Forrestor, Brent Waymire, Rick Hendricks, David Heath (some with spouses I didn't know) and then a few people that I didn't readily recognize, (sorry, but it HAD been 25 years since I had seen most of you).  After saying hello to a few people, we made our way to the grill and chose from a selection of hamburgers, hot dogs or 'brauts', then to another table where we found 'german potato salad' (correct me if that is not what those potatoes were), pretzels, assorted 'fixings' for our sandwich selections and apple fritters (turnovers).  While there I was greeted by Jana Sheward.  We then found a place to sit down and view the other people as they arrived on the patio. 

Other people that I noticed coming out to join us on the patio were Pete McNamee, David Hainey, Erick Faust, Leigh Ann Humphries, Jodeen Basey, LIsa Flanagan, Chris Blockson, Denise Etchison, Jeff Alexander, Lori Strangeway, Gay Beamer, Scot Overdorf, and Tina Thurston.  As I later wandered through the building, I saw Myron Wittkamper.  Again, several of these classmates brought spouses with them, whom I did not recognize.  There were a couple of people who were Frankton graduates from previous years, Jay Couch and Tracy Idlewine. 

Around 8pm people began drifting into the largest room of the Lodge where a band was set up to play for us.  Just like back in high school it was a slow start to to begin dancing, and just like way back then, it was the women who took the lead.  Who doesn't remember the groups of girls dancing together in the middle of the gymnasium?  Just like old times, same people, similar music, different dance floor.  So now we had dancing, visiting amongst the classmates, a little drinking and YEARBOOKS!  Oh yeah, Jana brought the yearbooks and of course people grouped together to look at how we all used to be.  I enjoyed it all, but then the clock struck 11pm and I had left my children at home together without Mom's supervision long enough and we had to go.  But it sure was great to see so many familiar faces, some of which it seemed hadn't changed much at all in the last 25 years.  I sure hope to see them again soon, along with so many more of you that couldn't make this reunion.

If I didn't mention your name above, I either had a brain toot, or I didn't recognize you and you didn't come over to say hi to me in an attempt to jog my memory.  But it's all good, just drop me a line in my email and I will make sure that you are mentioned as having attended the reunion. :)   There are pictures coming, as soon as people start sending them, I will start posting them!  And for goodness sake Please let other classmates know that this site exists. I will be most happy to post any news you want to share with the class!!

Pari Ann Eden Bell October 10th, 2004

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