Project Proposal Questionnaire

In order to provide an accurate overview of your web site project needs, please try to answer all of the following questions to the best of your ability. We cannot provide a quote if adequate information is not provided.

If you prefer to answer these questions offline, please complete this document (save file to hard drive by right-clicking on link and selecting "Save Target As...") and follow its instructions to email it back to us.


A. General Information
1. Your Name (required)
2. Email Address
3. Phone Number
4. Fax Number
5. Company or Organization
6. Give a brief description of your company or organization.
7. How did you find out about HomeWorkers On PC?
B. Project Overview
1. Is this a new web site design, or a re-design of an existing site?

If it's a redesign, what is the URL of the current site?

2. What services might be required from HomeWorkers On PC? (Check all that apply.) Site Design
E-Commerce Functions
Domain Name Registration
Web Site Hosting
Create a New Logo
Optimize Pages for Search Engines
Submit Site to Search Engines & Directories
3. What will be the approximate size of this site? (Number of web pages.) web pages
4. What is your approximate budget for project design and promotion (US dollars)?
5. Timeframe: When do you need this project to be completed?
6. What goals do you have for this web site?
7. After the site is complete, what changes or updates will be required for the site's content (text, pictures, information)?
8. Who will make these changes/updates?
9. Would you prefer that we create an original design for your site (unique, personal, more versatile) or that we customize an existing professional template design (for smaller budgets)? Both options provide you with an attractive, professional site.
[See template designs from many available.]
C. Style Preferences
1. Which phrases describe the kind of site you're looking for? (Check all that apply.) Elegant
Bright Colors
Business Colors
Pastel Colors
2. Do you have specific color preferences? If so, please define them for us.
3. Optional: List the web addresses of 1-3 sites that serve as examples of what you do like in a web design. [search]

4. Optional: List the web addresses of 1-3 sites that serve as examples of what you do not like in a web design. [search]

D. E-Commerce Options (If you need no e-commerce, skip to next section.)
1. About how many different products or services will you sell on this site?
2. Describe the products or services you will sell.
3. Will pictures be required for each of the items you sell?

If "Yes," do you have pictures in digital form (computer files)?

4. How will you accept payment for the items you sell online? (Check all that apply.) Checks by Mail
Accept Credit Card Payment using PayPal
Accept Credit Card Payment, processed offline
Accept Credit Card Payment, processed online
Not Sure
5. Do you currently have a merchant account?
E. Design Elements
1. Do you already have marketing materials?
2. Do you have computer copies of your marketing materials?
3. Do you have a copy of your logo in digital form?


4. How many photo images will you require on your site (other than e-commerce product images)? Photo Images
5. Will you be able to provide good quality digital (computer) copies of these photos?
6. Will you require any of these functions on your site? (Check all that apply.) Online Forms
User Registration/Login
Message Boards
Site Searching
Other Database Functions
F. Misc.
1. Do you know what kind of server this site will be hosted on?
2. What other information would you like to provide for us?