Search Engine Optimizing Service

Need to show up higher in search engine results? We will optimize the pages on your site by carefully following these steps:

  1. Researching the possible keywords and phrases to be used (by finding out which keywords are most popular and finding out how many sites are already using those same keywords).

  2. Recommending what we believe to be your best keyword choices.

  3. Issue a detailed Search Positions Report to show how your site is currently doing in the top search engines (Google, AOL, MSN, Yahoo, Ask Jeeves) using those keywords.

  4. Optimize your chosen html page(s) by giving careful attention to its filename, page title, keywords meta tag, page description, heading tags, text content, alt tags, and links to the page -- all to support the keywords chosen for that page.

  5. Upload the optimized page(s) to your server.

  6. Send you a detailed report over the next 3 months to show the changes in your site's search engine position.

Search Engine Optimizing
Standard Low Fee

$25 first page, each additional page $10

Search Engine Optimizing
Discounted Fee

(offered to sites designed by HomeWorkers On PC)
$20 first page, each additional page $8

Current Search Positions Report

If you'd prefer to first view a report detailing how your site is currently doing in searches, we'll provide you with that report. If you then choose to optimize your site, the full cost of the Positions Report will be applied to your Optimizing fee.
Cost: $20 plus add $.50 for each keyword and $.50 for each search engine included in the report.

Search Engine Submission Service

  • Manual submission into selected top engines & indexes, including Google, AOL, MSN, Yahoo Web, Ask Jeeves, the Open Directory Project and many more. (We won't bother submitting your site to "thousands" of search engines, since this would bring you more trouble than help. Note that submission to Yahoo Web is different from a paid listing in their directory, for which they currently charge $295 per year.)

  • Paid inclusion into the Inktomi search index. Refreshed every 48 hours for 12 months. This assures that your Web site pages "get in" and "stay in" the search index which powers top search sites on the Web, including MSN and HotBot.

Search Engine Submission Service
Standard Low Fee


Discounted Fee

(sites designed by HomeWorkers On PC): $30